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2009 Randolph FlyBy
2009 Randolph FlyBy
Stephen Seidel|

The 2009 Randolph parade flyover was successful. Stephen Seidel flew back seat with Scott Jordan as lead navigator. Scott brought RV-8 formation pilot Mark Cigal. Rob Marsicano and Ron Chadwick brought their beautiful red and white Pitts biplanes.

The team made three passes, RV's smoking, including a beautifully executed missing man to finish. Ron Chadwick said Scott was a good lead. High praise from a fighter pilot to a bomber pilot.

Parade organizer Geoff Price wrote to us, "The Flyover was terrific - everyone was very pleased and impressed with it. What you guys do is amazing and very much appreciated."

Movie Still
Stephen SeidelMovie Still
Here is a short video of the formation
Site edited by Sergey Prolagayev. Site design by Tom Parsons, Douglas & Magdalen Lovell.