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May 1999 News
May 1999 News

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Dateline: Friday, 14 May 1999

In absolute perfect weather conditions, the Strike Package of IAC Chapter 52 headed for Orange, MA and the New England Aerobatic Championship for their first Aerial engagement of the season. The unsuspecting Northerners were taken totally by surprise. As is always the case, Jim Ward and staff were the perfect hosts and ensured us all plenty of New England sunshine and northern hospitality. All categories flew at least once and some as many as three flights during the three day contest. The Orange event heralds the beginning of the aerobatic season and it was certainly well attended.

Competitors came from as far away as Southern Florida and Bangor Maine. Notable participants and attendees were : Sigried Bauman, and the Minki of the USAF Board. US Advanced Team Member Bob Stark of the Confederate Colalition. US Unlimited Team Members Mike Goulian and Matt Chapman, and a surprise appearance of the world renown cyber pilot, Ed Duckwater.
Special thanks goes to Taco Caccavale of Chapter 91 for designing and distributing Green "Kathy" Shamrocks for us to put on our planes to honor our fallen comrade, Kathy Jaffe... Well done!
Kathy's own Chapter 52 was well represented in all 5 categories and on the Judge's line. In the true spirit of good competition and camaraderie a great time was had by all!

The B 52's BDA

Paul Lopez - 1st Place Overall
Karen Bulluck - 3rd Place Overall and first time competitor
Alex Belov - 6th Place Overall and first time competitor

Dave Klingebiel - 3rd Place Overall
Stephen Seidel - 3rd in the Freestyle 6th overall

Larry Willson - 1st in Freestyle - 1st Overall
Harley "Corrigan" Carnes - 2nd in Freestyle - 2nd Overall

Ron Saglimbene - 1st in Freestyle - 4th overall

Ed Duckwater - honorable mention

Miriam Levin

Fly safe
B52 Strike Leader
Stephen Seidel

Site edited by Sergey Prolagayev. Site design by Tom Parsons, Douglas & Magdalen Lovell.